The Imago Dei Project is a comprehensive and consistently pro-life training program that consists of a training seminar and an outreach event.
During the training seminar, attendees are educated on a wide range of social justice issues such as emerging technologies, racism, sexism, religious persecution, cultural and religious rituals or routinely practiced beliefs, sex trafficking, abortion, and more. Attendees explore these issues through the lens of the Imago Dei – the inherent Image of God that makes all human beings valuable – and learn the apologetic skills to express and defend their beliefs.
At the outreach event, attendees from the seminar use our 8′ x 10′ presentation display consisting of four banners (seen below) to educate their community (for example: at a college campus or at their State Capitol) on these issues with the goal of changing hearts and minds.
Project:Ignite’s persecuted church ministry, Unto Death, serves Christians in persecuted nations such as North Korea, China, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, and India. We receive real-time and relevant information about Christians in those nations who are in need of prayer and resources, and we coordinate support via money and material resources to be sent to specific villages and churches in those nations.
Project:Ignite’s arts ministry, Shekinah, is geared towards “taking back the arts” from secular control. We operate this ministry by playing and supporting local concerts, sponsoring local art displays, and promoting dance and video teams. Through these events, we aim to take back the arts as a source of top quality, encouraging, and glorifying art.
Project:Ignite’s outreach and service ministry, Pure Religion, works to identify needs in the community and coordinate resources and services to meet them. Whether it is disaster relief in the wake of natural disasters, single moms who need their car repaired, or bringing blankets to the homeless in the winter, we seek to love unconditionally and care for people right where they’re at.