The Imago Dei Project

The Imago Dei Project

The Imago Dei Project is a comprehensive and consistently pro-life training program that consists of a training seminar and an outreach event.

During the training seminar, attendees are educated on a wide range of social justice issues such as emerging technologies, racism, sexism, religious persecution, cultural and religious rituals or routinely practiced beliefs, sex trafficking, abortion, and more. Attendees explore these issues through the lens of the Imago Dei – the inherent Image of God that makes all human beings valuable – and learn the apologetic skills to express and defend their beliefs.

At the outreach event, attendees from the seminar use our 8′ x 10′ presentation display consisting of four banners (seen below) to educate their community (for example: at a college campus or at their State Capitol) on these issues with the goal of changing hearts and minds.

To bring The Imago Dei Project to your community, Contact Us for more details.